Media statistics

Statistics about uploaded file types. This only includes the most recent version of a file. Old or deleted versions of files are excluded.

Drawings (vector images)

MIME typePossible extensionsNumber of filesCombined size
image/svg+xml.svg24 (0.52%)2,301,748 bytes (2.2 MB; 0.507%)

Total file size for this section of 24 files (0.52%): 2,301,748 bytes (2.2 MB; 0.507%).

Bitmap images

MIME typePossible extensionsNumber of filesCombined size
image/jpeg.jpeg, .jpg, .jpe, .jps4,215 (91.3%)370,147,176 bytes (353 MB; 81.5%)
image/png.png, .apng344 (7.45%)79,322,087 bytes (75.65 MB; 17.5%)
image/webp.webp32 (0.693%)2,339,770 bytes (2.23 MB; 0.515%)

Total file size for this section of 4,591 files (99.5%): 451,809,033 bytes (430.88 MB; 99.5%).

All files

Total file size for all 4,615 files: 454,110,781 bytes (433.07 MB).